10 Reason to Your Website Ingnor Visitors

There’s a big problem of less traffic on your site even your site have good content.Increase traffic , attract audience to make your blog successful is not so easy. Some bloggerslose hope in doing so , this post is mainly for them . I will tell you about ten reasons that why visitors ignore your blog instead of read and like it. Many people asked me to make a post on it .They tell me that have unique posts and even after promoting their blogs they can’t get traffic on their sites. Actually , quality content , promotion of your blog ,and backlink are not sufficient for increasing traffic on your blog.There can be  more other limitations  which forced visitors to leave your site. But if you overcome these limitations , your site will definitely get more traffic than before. The ten main reasons why visitors ignore or leave your site instead of read and liking are as under:

1- Website isn’t mobile friendly

Today’s mobile users are more than desktop users.If your website is not mobile friendly so you can’t get more traffic on your site and so if you have mobile friendly website your website get more attention.So your site should be 100% mobile friendly and have flexible size which can be fit in any size of screen.There should be no use of zoom in and zoom out of screen. After making your site mobile friendly ,make sure it on friendly test tool  that is it works properly or not. Along with this your site should be user friendly and SEO friendly so that your site get top rank in Google search engine.

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2- Your website is too slow

Be sure that your site is not too slow. It is very important for visitors and search engine that your site must be speed up .Today users have not more time and live in 5G era so if your site is slow no one wants to open it. And mostly people like those websites which open in two seconds. Now make your blogging fast loaded so that your site can get more traffic and likes. Atleast home page should be open very fast. Visitors ignore those sites which takes too much time to open.If your site is delayed one second to open it loss 8% traffic on your site.

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3- Your website have many pop-ups

If you have too many pop-ups , then you have less traffic on your website.Users get distracted with pop-ups. I know pop-up is important for conversion but users dislike your site. It is due to unjudiciously use of pop-ups.You can use judiciously pop-ups without harming SEO on your site.But I suggest you not  to use pop-ups and if want to then use minimum pop-ups. If you want to use pop-ups then follow these three tips

1 -add easy option for dismiss the pop-ups.

2- hide the pop-ups for returning  visitors.

3- show the contents for some seconds

before showing pop-ups. Many users don’t like to see pop-ups in their favourite websites and I will tell you that Google don’t allow the pop-ups. Never use sticky pop-ups or that pop-ups which can’t be dismissed.

 4- Design of website is over attractive

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Audience visit website for reading content and it’s only a reason of their visiting the site.But if you site is overloaded with GIFs or animation, visitors get distracted .They need clear content which they can read without any disturbance.You need to present your content very clearly and pleasantly. This is obvious that attractive site attract first time visitors but when they distract in reading the content they used to ignore your site. I will tell you about some tips for web designing: * Keep your web design simple. ** Use white background and use black colour of text or font. * Use less slides and ads. ** Use 16px to 18px font size. *** Use bold font style rather than stylish fonts because stylish fonts are hard to read. ** Use animation and gifs on only home page. So these are the tips. Visitors like attractive and beautiful designs but only first time and when they continuously visit they get bored .So avoid this and use simple design for your website.

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